On August 10, 2024, the 20th anniversary reunion of the Class of 2000 Electrical Engineering alumni from the School of Physical Science and Technology took place successfully at the JiuLi Campus, where they reminisced about their youthful days and celebrated their friendships. Vice Dean Li Xiangqiang and Teacher Qing Li participated in the event.

Vice Dean Li Xiangqiang warmly welcomed the Class of 2000 alumni "home." He provided a detailed overview of the university's development and the progress of the School of Physical Science and Technology, congratulating the alumni on their achievements in various fields. He expressed that alumni are the pride and calling card of the college and encouraged them to continue supporting the development of their alma mater.
As the counselor for the Class of 2000, Teacher Qing Li shared fond memories of their time on campus, emphasizing that the 20th anniversary marks a peak period in the alumni's careers. She encouraged them to remain true to their original aspirations and strive for progress in their professional lives, hoping they would frequently return to their alma mater to contribute to its growth and development. Alumni shared their personal experiences and reflections, recounting cherished moments spent at the university. The atmosphere was vibrant, filled with a strong sense of camaraderie and nostalgia for their school days. After the discussion, the alumni presented commemorative gifts to the college.

During their visit, the alumni revisited campus life and reminisced about their youth, touring the National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center for Physics. They expressed genuine pride in the university's development. The alumni conveyed their gratitude to the university for nurturing them and shaping their lives. They pledged to uphold the spirit of Southwest Jiaotong University— "Pursuing Practicality, Promoting Excellence, and Striving for Self-improvement"— and to give back to society and their alma mater with outstanding achievements in their respective fields.