On the morning of July 5, 2024, Vice President Wang Ping visited the School of Physical Science and Technology to conduct research and provide guidance. Members of the college's Party and administrative leadership, discipline leaders, high-level talent, and representatives of young teachers attended the symposium, which was chaired by Secretary Li Zhuohui of the college's Party committee.
Acting Dean Jia Huanyu reported on the college's situation to Vice President Wang. Following this, participating teachers actively shared their thoughts. Vice President Wang listened attentively to the difficulties faced by teachers in their professional development and the challenges encountered in their work, engaging in in-depth and detailed discussions with the attendees.

In conclusion, Vice President Wang provided comprehensive guidance on the college's work, focusing on top-level planning for discipline construction, research directions, talent cultivation, grant applications, the construction of large scientific facilities, participation in major scientific programs, achievement transformation, and Sino-foreign cooperative education. He offered valuable suggestions for the college's development.