Ph.D., School of Physical Science and Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University (2015)
Visiting Scholar, Newcastle University, U.K.(2014)
M.A., School of Optoelectronic Information, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (2002)
B.S., School of Physic Science, Xi’An Jiaotong University(1999)
Academic Appointments
Associate Professor, School of Sciences, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (2010-present)
Lecturer, Department of Applied Physics, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (2005-2010)
Selected Awards and Honors
Railway Society Science and Technology Second Award—"Pantograph and roof dynamic detection system", 2009.
Railway Society Science and Technology Third Award—"Key Technology of Wheelset Detection for Railway High Speed Train and Development of Wheelset Safety Equipment", 2018.
1. Intelligent Sensing & Monitoring of Running Gears for High-speed Railway. NSFC: No. 61960206010
2. Response Mechanism on Fatigue Closure Crack of Wheel/Rail and Quantification using Eddy Current Pulsed Thermography, NSFC: No. 61771409
3. Research on adaptive correction technique of signal phase distortion for synthetic aperture ultrasonic imaging. NSFC: No.61471304
4. Research on Eddy Current Pulsed Thermography for Fatigue crack of Wheel/Rail in Railway. No. 2019YJ0228
5. Development of ultrasonic phased array automatic flaw detection equipment for high power locomotive wheelset, National Science and Technology Program. No. 2013YQ230575
Research Group
Member of Photoelectric Engineering Institute and Nondestructive Testing Research Center group.
1. X. Zhang, J. Peng, L. Du, J. Bai, L. Feng, J. Guo, and X. Gao, “Detection of Fatigue Microcrack Using Eddy Current Pulsed Thermography,” Journal of Sensors, vol. 2021, pp. 6647939, (2021).
2. Z. Wang, J. Peng, W. Song, X. Gao, Y. Zhang, X. Zhang, L. Xiao, and L. Ma, “A Convolutional Neural Network-Based Classification and Decision-Making Model for Visible Defect Identification of High-Speed Train Images,” Journal of Sensors, vol. 2021, pp. 5554920, (2021)
3. H. Zhu, Z. Zhu, L. Yu, L. Cheng, Y. Zhang, H. Sui, S. Taccheo, and J. Peng, “One-Pump Phase Sensitive Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifier With Dual-Core Fiber,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 1-5, (2020).
4. J Wei, J Peng, et al. Multi-sensorial corrosion nondestructive testing data of concrete with machine learning. Nondestructive Testing, 41(11):59-64 (2019).
5. J Bai, J Peng, Zhang K , et al. The Detection of Steady Closed Fatigue Crack Based on ECPT. Nondestructive Testing, 40(12):12-16+86 (2018).
6. Zhao M, Peng J, Multi-aperture focus ultrasonic imaging technique based on virtual source. FAR EAST FORUM ON NONDESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION/TESTING (FENDT), p. 103-7 (2017).
7. Peng J, Zhang K. The Early Stage Wheel Fatigue Crack Detection Using Eddy Current Pulsed Thermography. AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1806, no. 1, p. 100010, (2017).
8. Peng J, Tian G Y, Wang L, et al. Investigation into eddy current pulsed thermography for rolling contact fatigue detection and characterization. NDT & E International, 74(0): 72-80 (2015).
9. Peng J, Tian G Y, Wang L,et al. Rolling contact fatigue detection using eddy current pulsed thermography; proceedings of the Nondestructive Evaluation/Testing (FENDT), IEEE Far East Forum on, F 20-23 (2014).
10. Yang R, He Y, Gao B, Peng J, et al. Lateral heat conduction based eddy current thermography for detection of parallel cracks and rail tread oblique cracks [J]. Measurement, 66(0): 54-61 (2015).
11. Peng J, Wang L, Zhang Y, et al. Study on the ultrasonic inspection method using the full matrix capture for the in service railway wheel. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1581(1): 42-8 (2014).
12. Peng J, Peng H, Zhang Y, et al. Study on the railway wheel ultrasonic inspection method using the full matrix capture; proceedings of the Nondestructive Evaluation/Testing: New Technology & Application (FENDT), 2013 Far East Forum on, F 17-20 (2013).
13. Peng J, Gao X, Zhang Y. The Wheel-set Safeguard System and Application in China High Speed Railway, (2013),
14. Peng J, Wang L. The Design and Application of Lateral Phased Array Probe for Railway Wheel Rim Ultrasonic Detection System. 18th WCNDT, South Africa (2012).
15. Lixin Dai, Peng J, Yang Kai, et al. Research on the De-noising algorithm of strong noise in the ECPT system. Journal of The China Railway Sciety, 03: 35-9 (2011).
Optoelectronic detection technology, Undergraduates’ course
Phased array ultrasonic technology, Graduates’ Course