M.A., University of Electronic Science and Technology, Semiconductor Physics and Devices (1994)
B.S., Southeast University, Semiconductor Physics and Devices (1991)
Academic Appointments
Professor, School of Physical Science and Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (2004-present).
Associate Professor, School of Sciences, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (2000-2004).
Lecturer, Department of Applied Physics, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (1994-2000).
Selected Awards and Honors:
Third Prize of China Railway Society (2005, 2018)
Second Prize of China Railway Society (2009)
Third Prize of Science and Technology Progress of Sichuan Province(2000, 2004, 2005)
First Prize of Science and Technology Progress of Chengdu City(2000)
Second Prize of Science and Technology Progress of Chengdu City(2003)
Third Prize of Science and Technology Progress of Chengdu City(2007)
Silver Prize of Science and Technology Progress of Chengdu City(2010)
Chengdu Municipal Government Special Allowance(2009)
Second Prize of Science and Technology Progress of Qingyang District, Chengdu City(2005)
First Prize of Science and Technology Progress of Beijing Railway Bureau(2014)
Third Prize of Science and Technology Progress of Chengdu Railway Bureau(2013)
First Prize of Lecture Contest for Young Teachers of Southwest Jiaotong University(2004)
Professional Activities
Co-chairman of Far-east NDT (2014–2020)
Judge of National Natural Science Foundation of China (2016–2020)
Member of Technical Committee of 1st NDE4.0 International Conference (2021)
Member of Academic Committee of 20th World Conference of NDT (2022)
Sub-session Chairman of 19th World Conference of NDT (2016)
Sub-session Chairman of 18th International Wheelset Conference (2016)
Academician of ASNT(American Society For Nondestructive Testing )(2013-)
Academician of Professional Committee of Metrology Instrument of Chinese Society of Metrology and Testing(2014-)
1. Ultrasonic Response Mechanism and Defect Detection of Axle Pressing Interface, National Natural Science Foundation of China.
2. Adaptive Correction Technique for Phase Distortion of Synthetic Aperture Ultrasonic Imaging Signal, National Natural Science Foundation of China.
3. Development of ultrasonic phased array automatic flaw detection equipment for high power locomotive wheelset, National Science and Technology Program.
4. Eddy current pulse thermal response mechanism and quantitative detection of wheel/rail fatigue crack, National Science and Technology Program.
Research Group
Member of Photoelectric Engineering Institute and Nondestructive Testing Research Center group.
1. Wang Yongheng, Gao Xiaorong*, Finckbohner, Michael; Netzelmann, Udo. The effect of paint coatings on detection of vertical surface cracks in metals by induction thermography. NDT and E International, vol. 104, p58-68, (2019)
2. Zhong Yunjie, Gao Xiaorong*, Luo Lin. Simulation of Laser Ultrasonics for Detection of Surface-Connected Rail Defects. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation. v.36, n.4, (2017).
3. Guo, Jianguang; Gao, Xiaorong*; Toma, Ewald. Anisotropy in carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) and its effect on induction thermography. NDT & E International v.91, p1-8, (2017)
4. Gao X, Wu Y, Yang K, et al. Vehicle bottom anomaly detection algorithm based on SIFT [J]. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 126(23):3562-3566 (2015).
5. Xiao-rong Gao, Yan Shen, Lin Luo. Noise Reduction Method for Ultrasonic TOFD Image Based on Image Registration, [J]. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol.32, No.4, P325-330, (2013)
Photoelectric Detection Technology, Undergraduates’ course
Sensor Technology, Undergraduates’ course
College Physics, Undergraduates’ course
Modern Detection Technology, Undergraduates’ course
Professional Experiment, Undergraduates’ course
Professional English, Graduates’ course
Optical Information Processing, Graduates’ course
Photonics Technology and Optoelectronics, Graduates’ course
Nondestructive Testing Theory, Graduates’ course
Reseach Highlights:
1. LU Devices Protect the Wheels in New Year’s Eve(31st Dec.2015), Hubei Television Station.
2. LU Devices Safeguard Safe Travel(23rd Jan. 2014), Chengdu Television Station & Chengdu Evening News.
3. LU Devices Commended for Defect detection(6th Aug. 2012), Jinan Railway News
4. Health Examinationof CRH by LU Devices, Preparing for Spring Festival Travel Rush(22rd Dec. 2012), CCTV NEWS.
5. Products Introduction of Photoelectric Engineering Institute, Southwest Jiaotong University (7th May, 2003), Education News, Sichuan Television Station.
6. Products Introduction of Photoelectric Engineering Institute, Southwest Jiaotong University (22rd Aug, 2003), Education News, China Education Television Station.