PhD, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Electrical engineering (2017)
B.S., Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Applied physics (2012)
Academic Appointments
Lecturer, School of Physical Science and Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (2017-present)
Selected Awards and Honors
National Scholarship (Doctor) (2016)
1. Investigation of the control mechanism of boundary bias on tearing mode (Youth Foundation of National Natural Science Foundation of China)
2. Physical study on the basic operation mode of plasma (National Key R&D Program of China)
3. Development of key components for high performance RFP formation (National Key R&D Program of China)
Research Group
Dr. Liu is a member of the plasma physics group, which is led by a Thousand Talents Program expert, Prof. Xu. Our group is committed to developing the Chinese first quasi–axisymmetric stellarator.
1. J Shao, Hai Liu*, Yuhong Xu, et al, “The influence of impurities on ion temperature measured by a retarding field analyzer with electrode biasing in J-TEXT tokamak”, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 62, 025027 (2020).
2. Hai Liu*, Zhipeng Chen*, Yuhong Xu, et al, “Investigation of toroidal rotation modulation and momentum transport”, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 60, 115012 (2018).
3. Hai Liu, Qiming Hu*, Zhipeng Chen, et al, “Effect of electrode biasing on m/n = 2/1 tearing modes in J-TEXT experiments”, Nuclear Fusion 57, 016003 (2017).
4. LIU Hai, CHEN Zhipeng*, ZHUANG Ge, et al, “Investigation of the Ion Energy Transport in the Scrape-Off Layer on the J-TEXT Tokamak Using a Retarding Field Analyzer”, Plasma Science and Technology 18, 601 (2016).
5. Hai Liu, Zhipeng Chen*, Ge Zhuang, et al, “A new application of retarding field analyzer for the electron and ion temperature measurement on the J-TEXT tokamak”, Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 11D444 (2016).
General Physical-Mechanics
General Physics Experiment-I