PhD, Shanxi University, Condensed matter physics (2008)
B.S., Shanxi University, Physics (2003)
Academic Appointments
Associate Professor, School of Physical Science and Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (2010-present).
Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, China (2008-2010).
Quantum theoretical investigation on the ionization dynamics of atoms and molecules subjected to intense laser fields.
Research Group
Dr. Jia is a member of Nanomaterials and Computational Physics group.
1. Xia Hong, Jia Xin-Yan*, Hao Xiao-Lei, Guo Li, Fan Dai-He, Chu Gen-bai, and Chen Jing, “Comparative study on atomic ionization in bicircular laser fields by length and velocity gauges S-matrix theory ”, Chin. Phys. B 29, 023204 (2020).
2. Xin Yan Jia, XiaoLei Hao, DaiHe Fan, WeiDong Li, ShiLin Hu and J.Chen, “Third-order S-matrix study of electronelectron correlation in nonsequential double ionization”, J. Phys. B 52, 065601 (2019).
3. Kang Lin, Xinyan Jia, Zuqing Yu, Feng He, et al., “Comparison Study of Strong-Field Ionization of Molecules and Atoms by Bicircular Two-Color Femtosecond Laser Pulses”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 203202 (2017).
3. Wang Pin-Yi, Jia Xin-Yan*, Fan Dai-He and Chen Jing, “Resonance-like enhancement in high-order above-threshold ionzation of argon at different wavelengths”, Acta Physica Sinica 64, 143201 (2015).
4. XinYan Jia, XiaoLei Hao, DaiHe Fan, WeiDong Li, and J. Chen, “S-matrix and semiclassical study of electron-electron correlation in strong-field nonsequential double ionization of Ne”, Phys. Rev. A 88, 033402 (2013).
5. JinPing Yao, GuiHua Li, XinYan Jia, Xiaolei Hao, et.al., “Alignment-Dependent Fluorescence Emission Induced by Tunnel Ionization of Carbon Dioxide from Lower-Lying Orbitals ”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 133001 (2013).
6. ZhiYang Lin, XinYan Jia, ChuanLiang Wang, ZiLong Hu, et.al., “Ionization Suppression of Diatomic Molecules in Intense Midinfrared Laser Field”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 223001 (2012).
7. XinYan Jia, WeiDong Li, Jie Liu, and J. Chen, “Alignment-dependent nonsequential double ionization of N2 in intense laser fields: The role of different valence orbitals”, Phys. Rev. A 80, 053405 (2009).
8. X. Y. Jia, W. D. Li, J. Fan, J. Liu, and J. Chen, “Suppression effect in the nonsequential double ionization of molecules by an intense laser field”, Phys. Rev. A 77, 063407 (2008).
9. XinYan Jia, WeiDong Li, J. Q. Liang, “Nonlinear correction to the boson Josephson-junction model”, Phys. Rev. A 78, 023613 (2008).
General Physics Experiment I
General Physics Experiment II