1, 报告题目: A GeV-TeV particle component and the barrier of cosmic-ray sea in the Central Molecular Zone
2, 报告摘要:Cosmic rays are important probe of a number of fundamental physical problems such as the acceleration of high and very high energy particles in extreme astrophysical environments. The Galactic center is widely anticipated to be an important cosmic-ray source and the observations of some Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes did successfully reveal a component of TeV-PeV cosmic rays in the vicinity of the Galactic center. Here we report the identification of GeV-TeV cosmic rays in the central molecular zone with the γ-ray observations of the Fermi Large Area Telescope, whose spectrum and spatial gradient are consistent with that measured by the Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes but the corresponding cosmic-ray energy density is substantially lower than the so-called cosmic-ray sea component, suggesting the presence of a high energy particle accelerator at the Galactic center and the existence of a barrier that can effectively suppress the penetration of the particles from the cosmic-ray sea to the central molecular zone.
3, 个人简介: 袁强,紫金山天文台研究员、暗物质和空间天文研究部副主任。2010年博士毕业于中国科学院高能物理研究所,先后在高能物理研究所,美国马萨诸塞大学从事高能天体物理研究。2016年任职于紫金山天文台,从事暗物质粒子探测卫星、高海拔宇宙线观测站的数据分析和相关科学研究。获得2017年国家优秀青年科学基金资助。研究兴趣为暗物质粒子间接探测,高能天体物理,宇宙线物理等。
4, 时间:2021年10月22日(周五)15:00
5, 地点:海燕策略社区论坛登陆犀浦校区5号楼5527会议室
6, 联系人:刘四明 教授 (Email: liusm@swjtu.edu.cn)