From December 15th to 18th, 2023, the first offline seminar of the first batch of virtual teaching and research rooms for college physics experiment courses of the Ministry of Education (Northeast Normal University) was successfully held at Southwest Jiaotong University. The seminar was hosted by the virtual teaching and research room for college physics experiment courses of the Ministry of Education (Northeast Normal University), organized by the School of Physical Science and Technology of Southwest Jiaotong University, and co-organized by the Journal of Physics Experiment, the National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center for Physics Education (Northeast Normal University), and the National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center for Physics (Southwest Jiaotong University). The theme of the seminar was “The Connotation Development of College Physics Experiment Teaching”, which shared the construction experience of national-level first-class physics experiment courses and national-level teaching achievement awards, interpreted the basic requirements of college physics experiment course teaching, and promoted the effectiveness of the virtual teaching and research room and the physics experiment teaching center.

The opening ceremony of the seminar was chaired by Li Xiangqiang, director of the National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center for Physics and associate dean of the School of Physical Science and Technology of Southwest Jiaotong University. Wang Qing, professor and director of the Teaching Steering Committee for College Physics Courses of the Ministry of Education and Tsinghua University; Jia Huanyu, professor and associate dean (in charge of work) of the School of Physical Science and Technology of Southwest Jiaotong University, member of the Teaching Steering Committee for College Physics Courses of the Ministry of Education, director of the Experimental Special Committee, leader of the Physics Discipline Group of the National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center Joint Conference, Zhang Zengming, professor of the University of Science and Technology of China, deputy director of the Special Committee for College Physics Experiments of the Teaching Steering Committee for College Physics Courses of the Ministry of Education, executive editor of the Journal of Physics Experiment, person in charge of the virtual teaching and research room, Li Jinhuan, professor of Northeast Normal University, and Huang Jipeng, professor and associate dean of the School of Physics of Northeast Normal University, respectively delivered speeches.

In the PI report stage of the virtual teaching and research room, the PI of the virtual teaching and research room, Zhang Zengming, Le Yongkang, Wang Qi, Fan Daihe, respectively made wonderful reports on “Interpretation of the Basic Requirements of College Physics Experiment Courses”, “Heterogeneous Courses - Building a Communication Platform and Improving Teaching Level”, “Building a Physics Experiment Teaching Center that is Fully Open and Shared for Undergraduates”, and “Co-construction and Sharing of High-quality Teaching Resources for College Physics Experiment Courses”. In the invited report stage of the conference, Professor Wu Xianqiu and Professor Zheng Weifeng respectively made reports on “Innovation and Practice of the ‘Three Combinations and Four Improvements’ Physics Experiment Course Teaching Model for the Cultivation of Excellent Normal Students” and “Practice and Innovation of the Cultivation of Excellent Teachers’ Practical Ability”, and shared the construction experience of their respective teams’ national-level teaching achievement awards.

In the main report stage of the conference, He Guanghong from Chongqing University, Lv Xiankui from Yunnan Normal University, Cui Yajing from Southwest Jiaotong University, Jia Yan and Zhang Yan from Northeast Normal University made reports on the construction of national-level first-class physics experiment courses, the construction and operation of experimental teaching demonstration centers, specific issues of course teaching from a new perspective, and the effectiveness of the virtual teaching and research room.

In the exchange and discussion session, the teachers visited the National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center for Physics (Southwest Jiaotong University), and had a lively exchange and discussion on the contents of the reports. They expressed that they had benefited a lot, stimulated their motivation and enthusiasm for course construction and teaching research, and looked forward to the “Second Offline Seminar of the First Batch of Virtual Teaching and Research Rooms for College Physics Experiment Courses of the Ministry of Education” to be held in January 2024. The successful holding of this offline seminar improved the function and activity form of the virtual teaching and research room, promoted the virtual teaching and research room to provide strong support for the high-quality development of higher education, and contributed positively to the talent cultivation of our country.